New Tripod Demo Website for SED 514 Students

Your Friendly Instructors, Dorothea & John

Getting Started With a Tripod Website

Go to the Tripod website:
Starting at Tripod
Click the Start Now! Button

Start Tripod Signup
Select the FREE Website plan and Click the Sign Up button

Fill out the required boxes (green asterisks), do not check Marketing Preferences boxes UNLESS you want a lot of new email.
Enter the codewords shown in thesecurity box at the bottom of your form, click Agree (to terms) and submit.

Register an account

Next, you will get a welcome message from Tripod:

Welcome Message

Check the email account you used in registering with Tripod and click on the link given in the message. 

This will take you to your account page where you can begin uploading your site:

Account Image
DO NOT use Tripod's Site Builder. You have been creating your website using KompoZer or another web design program which gives you much more control over your site. You will simply upload your files using Tripod's File Manager (circled above). When you click it you will see the files currently in your directory. You should rename the index.htm file as index.html so that when you upload your new file by that name it will replace the original placeholder file. To do this,
  1. Check the box next to index.htm
    1. Click the Rename button
    2. Rename the file as index.html
  2. Click the Upload via Button and select Single Files (8)
Renaming the index file

Now, click the Upload button and select Single Files. 

Remember that you must have inserted all images and links into your pages in the proper manner (not dragging & dropping, but inserting with the Link or Image commands) and that all image files (.gif, .jpg, etc) MUST also be uploaded to the site. If any do not work, double check the links in KompoZer to make sure the "Relative to Page Location" box is checked.

Uploading your Files

When finished, use your web browser to go to the URL of your site to make sure your pages are functioning properly. If they are, all of the links are correct and you can log out of Tripod.